Sunday: Feast of the Resurrection
While Guéranger pointed out that the whole of Paschaltide should be considered to be one Feast, he added that this Feast should be regarded as one great Sunday. The first day of the week was the first day of creation; in the Pasch of Christ, the new creation, the first day of the week has been newly consecrated for all time . Since man is the crowning work of God's creation, the re-creation of man through the resurrection of Christ is the crowning work of Christ's mission. The annual celebration of Easter is the foundation of the Liturgical Year, but every Sunday recalls the day of Christ's resurrection and has therefore a paschal character and should be celebrated as such.
Christ the Light
The concept of Christ the Light is an important aspect of Guéranger's thought on the mystery of Easter. The mystery of the Resurrection is the mystery of eternal light which fills those who accept it with purity and happiness. This is the beatitude of the pure in heart who see God, Joy, light and life, and the hope of immortality are aspects of the particular grace which is given to the Christian in the celebration of Easter.
The concept of the mystery of light, the light which is Christ glorified, led Guéranger to speak of paschaltide in mystical terms as the highest part of the «illuminative way». The paschal mystery is the manifestation of the glory of Christ which enlightens all men. This process of illumination is the work of the Holy Spirit through whose action we are sanctified and incorporated into Christ and who effects the indwelling of the Holy Trinity in the soul. The celebration of the liturgy is like a mirror or a prism in which the believer receives the light of Christ reflected and diffused to meet his every need.
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